Our 50 state adventure to celebrate our 50th birthdays

Stone Mountain

Stone Mountain doesn’t really count for our trip because we used to live here and spent lots of time on this mountain. Our 50/50 trip is supposed to be places we’ve never experienced before (or haven’t seen together). But I (Kristi) wanted to come back after 15 years and see if it was as amazing as I thought I remembered. 2005-06 was a very difficult time for both our families and this mountain was my reprieve and where I thought and prayed while I hiked out my pain. This is my favorite place in all of Georgia and the best Atlanta has to offer. God surely created a magnificent and majestic piece of granite for me! It was JUST like I remembered it. ?

We had a great view from our campsite and just loved the feel of the whole grounds.

If you look closely, you can see the city of Atlanta in the distance.

Time to head back down!

We explored the rest of the park and found this cute covered bridge.

And an old mill.

In the afternoon, we went to the Jimmy Carter museum. We love political and presidential history, so we enjoyed learning more about Carter’s term.

Back at the campsite, I got to try out the drone to get this shot of the mountain.

And this shot of the campgrounds.

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