Our first dairy kosher breakfast. No meat except fish allowed! These tasted like peanut butter.

Lots of choices. Not sure what anything was!

The very unappetizing breakfast fishies.

Making up for no cheese at dinner each night!

Lots of energy – we didn’t have any idea how long this day was going to be and how much we’d see.

First stop Tel Megiddo National Park – this place had 20 layers of civilization.

Megiddo was one of the strongest and most important cities of Canaan. The remains of the palaces, temples, gates and the sophisticated water system of the city are evidence of it’s great power.

During Ahab’s time this was his chariot city and one of the most strategic crossroads in the world in the Old Testament times.

As we were driving through the country, we would see things growing all over. You can see in the valley all the “agricultures” (as our guide Yossi would say).

Dates growing on the palm trees.

Have you ever seen more beautiful trees?

Our group heading down into the vast water system from the days of King Ahab 900 BC. This system brought water into the city without having to go outside the walls to get to the spring.

We went down down down…

Our daily kitties were found at Mt. Carmel, so we’ll call these Elijah’s kitties.

Monastery on top of Mt. Carmel. This is where Elijah proved to the people that he was a true prophet. (1 Kings 18:16-46 and 1 Kings 19).

Our first group picture on top of the Carmelite Monastery.

Amazing views of the Jezreel Valley/ Valley of Armageddon

Who came from here? Mary of Magdala of course!

Magdala was situated on the shores of the Galilee along a major commercial trade route and on the way from Nazareth to Capernaum. The ruins were discovered in 2009 and show evidence of an observant Jewish community. There is a 1st century synagogue and it is one of seven in the world and the best preserved. This stone was found in the middle and would have been the center of the synagogue. (This is a replica). The menorah on the stone is a very significant find and we will learn more about it a few days later.

Jesus likely taught the multitudes and healed the afflicted here, including Mary. (Luke 8:1-3)

Very detailed mosaics in the floors.

An area with many ritual baths or mikvahs.

Extremely well preserved mikvah

Moving on to the area where Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish and fed the 5000! (Luke 9:12-17) This is called the Church of The Multiplication and is on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

A very beautiful and unique church – mainly because it was simple wood and stone and incredible mosaic floors.

Amazing artistry

These guys were restoring the floor one tiny piece at a time.

Walking distance from the Church of the Multiplication was this church of the Primacy of St. Peter. In laymen’s terms – where Jesus appeared to the disciples after his resurrection and ate breakfast with them and then restores Peter. (John 21)

Kristi’s first touch of the Sea of Galilee. He walked on this water! He boated on this water! He preached on this water! He appeared by this water!

Jerry’s first experience with the Sea of Galilee. It’s much more beautiful, we think, than we had always imagined.

What more could we see on this day? How about Capernaum! (Luke 4:31-39 – Jesus first began to preach & Mark 1:29-34 – Peter’s mother in law healed)

Bags on the palm trees to protect the growing dates.

Statue of Peter with the gorgeous Sea of Galilee in the background

Sea of Galilee kitty. We could also probably name him Peter’s house cat.

Possibly the ruins of Peter’s house. They’ve built a visitor center over the top.

The visitor center over Peter’s possible home and then ruins of city of Capernaum.

City ruins foreground, synagogue ruins in the background.

The remains of a Jewish synagogue from the 3rd century, built on the ruins of a former synagogue where Jesus possibly preached.

Area in the synagogue where they buried old Biblical scrolls when they were worn out.

Dinner at our new hotel in Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee and toasting desert pops!

Cutest little lady in all of Israel

View off the top of our hotel

Super blue moon over the Sea of Galilee in August 2023

The vast city at night from the hotel rooftop

We couldn’t get enough of the moon or the Sea of Galilee

This 7th floor rooftop hangout was incredible and we used it every night

Jerry Beers – sleeping where Jesus slept, walking where Jesus walked and eating where Jesus ate. It was hard to grasp that we were REALLY there.