We visited Rockaway, Hug Point, and Cannon Beaches and then also just stopped along the coastal roadside to see a few other spots. Every view of the coastline was breathtaking. Someone in this couple was beginning to really like the Pacific Northwest more than she expected to.

Rockaway Beach – we camped at this beach and made it just in time for sunset the first night. (This was after the tire blowout earlier this day)

How does God make the end of the day so beautiful, day after day?

More sea stacks and cool driftwood

The sun was hitting the grass along the shore, making it a golden hue. I guess that’s why they call it golden hour.

But, of course, it was freezing!

Hug Point – it’s known for all the small caves you can explore. We made sure to be there at low tide, because you can’t get to many of them during high tide.

Inside a cave

She seemed a little serious. (Was there a bug?)

These barnacles grew all over the rocks where the tide comes in.

Standing on part of a headland. They’re called capes when they are larger. We’re not sure what exact size this one is considered. This area would be completely covered in water during high tide.

The rocks are totally covered where the waves come in.

We were able to go around this headland during low tide but had to be sure to be back around before it rose

Those circles are actually sea anemones, just covered in silt

Again we found ourselves on the other side of a headland with no people around

These things with a claw inside each one were really interesting.

The waves were crashing on the rocks and colliding with each other for an impressive display.

This water stayed around the rock at low tide.

The water around this massive rock was crystal clear and blue and amazingly deep

Cannon Beach. This is a very well-known beach in Oregon. This rock is called Haystack and was made famous in the movie Goonies. Much of Goonies was filmed in the area and the story was based in a nearby city, Astoria, Oregon.

Haystack is 235 ft tall and the 3rd largest in the world.

Just a view from an overlook on the road

Cool clouds we saw from the road when leaving the coastal area